
Have your voices heard

Have your voices heard

The reason for this letter to you all is to provide some information that we hope you will use to contact your local legislators, Mayors and State Legislators.  During the health emergency that this country is facing, it is absolutely crucial that we make our voices heard in regards to our industry being Essential to the safety of the public.

As you will read in the enclosed letters, our Dealers ability to stay open should your local municipality issue shelter in Place orders is crucial to the safety of our citizens.  Not only RVers but all citizens that may need repair/service on their vehicles but Essential LP Gas supplies and service.  Please use this information and contact your local office holders to state our case.  As you will see, these letters have already gone to Governor DeSantis, President Trump and others.  In Florida, the Governor is not in favor of closing businesses but local Mayors have shown that they will order these closings.

Florida RV Industry Letter regarding COVID-19

Letter to President Trump

Let’s make our voices heard throughout the state!

Please feel free to call Lance Wilson with any questions.  Cell #813-376-4935

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